Monday, January 20, 2014

Sex and the City: Chicago Style

So ever since I was first introduced to the world that is Sex and the City, I've always wanted to be in a group of women who resemble the roles that they portray. And who hasn't? But lately as I've been watching the movies and reruns to further my procrastination (even though we’re barely a week into the semester,) I realized that some of my friendships actually do resemble “The Ladies Who Lunch.” While we don't live in New York, we still live in a big city. So consider this SATC: Chicago Style.

Samantha: Carrie Bradshaw

     First off: let’s be real. We ALLLLL want to be able to say that we are the Carrie of the group, but if I’m being fair to myself and my friends. I know that Carrie in our situation would actually be Samantha (not the one from the show) (wow this is gonna get confusing). Outside of the 10 year relationship with Mr. Big that is a constant back-story with her character (unless Sam is actually hiding some Tall, Dark and Handsome man in her closet) she pretty much embodies Carrie perfectly. She is driven, beautiful, thoughtful, trustworthy, and always has her friends in mind. It is also quite appropriate that Sam is also a writer. She’s gonna be a published best-selling, Pulitzer Prize-winning author within 5 years, sitting in the front row of fashion week rubbing elbows with those who wish they were as awesome as her and rich as her. So be on the look out everyone: Samantha Reid-Bradshaw.

Maggie: Samantha Jones

     When I think of Samantha I think of Maggie. She has no reservations about sex and is very confident with her sexuality. Maggie is very driven and invested in whatever she is involved in. While she isn't the oldest of our group, she's been through more than anyone her age has ever had to, making her well-versed in the game of life. Because of her strong will and determination she clearly embodies the essence of Samantha.

Juliet: Miranda Hobbes

     While I think that no one ever really wants to be Miranda, I think that my friend Juliet is a great modern-day spin on her character. She is so loyal and so strong, yet also has that very realistic outlook on relationships. Not that she doesn't believe in love, but just maybe that it’s not for her right now and that relationships aren't always for everyone. Also, Miranda is very career focused. Seeing as how Juliet is unfortunately (for me) graduating almost a full year earlier than she planned, she now has to rearrange her life plans in order to start planning for her career and life post-grad. Also! Fun fact: Miranda was also the first to purchase an apartment in the series which will be Juliet once she leaves us to be a "real-adult" and be in the "real world". 
Me: Charlotte York Goldenblatt

          Alright, so initially I felt that I was most like Miranda, but after some soul-searching (aka: talking to Sam) I guess I really am more of a Charlotte. I have high hopes and dreams of lavish lifestyles, an ideal of the man I want to marry, and a huge dream of the way I want my life to play out. After all this however, I’m still considered the prude of the group. I love sex, don’t get me wrong, but talking about it is just not my style. It’s just weird to me! But I digress. We’ll save that for another day. I border on the line of optimist/realist very regularly and I think that “meaningless sex” is a little confusing, but hey, more power to you. Not to say that my friends don’t believe in true love, but seeing as how my current relationship is the age of a toddler, I’d say that I’m true romantic in every possible sense.

At the end of the day, these are the women that have stuck with me, gotten me through some tough times, and will be the ones I turn to whenever I need them even as we go on our own paths through life in this beautiful city.

Stay tuned for more updates from Sex and the City: Chicago Style.

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