Monday, January 13, 2014

Big Love

So even though  I've been with my boyfriend Sean for over 4 and a half years, sometimes I still consider myself a hopeless romantic. (This makes no sense I know) But I just love a good love story! I love hearing about other people’s happiness and how they met and started dating- all of it, everything. I live for this stuff. But basically I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my relationship Sean and just how much it’s grown over the past couple years. And it’s an amazing feeling. Being in a strong supportive relationship is something that I wish for everyone (even if it is long-distance). It seems like every day I have someone talking to me about my relationship and how they just love us and we’re so cute and perfect and we’re just their favorite couple. It’s a little overwhelming sometimes but at the same time, I love it. I love hearing that people admire our relationship. It’s really flattering and like I said, I live for this stuff!
Having said that, I must admit my newest obsession which is Courtney Loves Dallas. If you haven’t seen it, go check it out here. She's funny, down to earth, and my new favorite style inspiration. In one of the most recent episodes she talks about her love life and what her dream man would be and how she would meet him and she says “I want the MAGIC!” She basically wants to meet her dream man in a Starbucks when they both reach for the same drink because they both coincidentally ordered Skinny Vanilla Lattes with no whip. She wants this big love yet still have it be serendipitous. I thought for a long time that that was what I wanted. Not necessarily with another guy, just because I sincerely love Sean with every molecule in me, but I wanted the magic too! I was wishing for something that probably wasn't even real. And it took some tough love from my wonderful friend Samantha to help me realize that. All these books and movies I see have this huge romanticized idea of romance (woah, that was redundant but you get the idea) Sometimes you have to bring your head back down out of the clouds to realize how great you already have it! There are definitely times when I wish that I had met Sean in a more romantic or serendipitous way like on the train or at a coffee shop or even just out on Michigan Avenue because I live in this big, amazing city so I should have a big, amazing love! But at the same time, I wouldn't change a thing about my relationship. Yes I would love the chic city life and being spoiled by a rich broker man who drives a Audi, lives in a beautiful high-rise overlooking the city, living the life of luxury, and who knows? Maybe I’ll get there one day, but if I do, I want it to be with Sean. I have huge dreams of what our life could be together but for right now, I am absolutely more than content with what I have. Our time together is limited as it is, so just having lazy Sundays and weekends in with the man I love playing Lego Batman on the Xbox and cuddling all night long is more than enough for me. I see how my life could be in the future, but I have to remember that I am still so young, I’m still in school and I have plenty of time ahead of me to make my dreams come true. 

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