Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"New Year, New Me"

"New Year, New Me"
I know we've all heard this, but I think what we should really be saying is more along the lines of:
"New Year, Same Me, Just Better".
This year I want to have goals. Not resolutions, but goals. I want to have aims and ideals and work to reach them. I've read that it’s proven that when someone not only writes their goals down, but also shares them with other people, they are more likely to achieve them. So I’m looking to whoever reads this to hold me accountable.
1.     Love myself more: I spent the bulk/majority of 2013 filled with self-hate. Whether it was self-deprecating jokes or just loathing getting out of bed because of the eternal dread of looking in the mirror. But this year I am really trying to focus on the positive (and so far so good!). I am beautiful. I am my own person. I’m learning to love myself. And I will continue to do so. I've realized that I really need to focus on this before anything else.
2.     Choose to be healthy: not because it’s a new year or a fad diet, but because it’s an extension of loving myself. I want to strive to be healthy not skinny.

3.     Stop comparing myself to other people: this one is pretty self-explanatory. Walking down Michigan Avenue every day I constantly catch myself looking at other women comparing my body to theirs. It’s time for that to stop. Looking at the people around me one thing, but comparing myself to them has to stop and I’m really working on it.
4.     Get a second job: right now I’m working a minimum wage job, 12 hours a week- which: after you do the math and take out the taxes-- is not a lot. this now leads us into #5
5.     Work to get the things I want: aka: clothes and shoes and lots of them. I have a wish list that is growing every day and they’re things that I really want to get myself. My dad has a new job and wants to get new things for me, but I don’t want him to. I want to work for the satisfaction of being able to say that I did it on my own.
6.     Stick with this blog: I really love the feeling that I got after my first post and I’m really motivated to stick with this. Even if no one ever reads it. I’m proud of myself for saying that I wanted to do something and sticking to it.
7.     Enjoy life without fear of the future: Life is moving forward if we’re ready for it or not. People change. Friendships end. People leave. Things change. I’ve recently realized that in a little over a year I will be either entering the “real world” *internally freaking out* or continuing my education and that sort of terrifies me. But I know that I have to keep moving and living my life because if I let fear paralyze me, I could possibly miss some great opportunities.

These are all real goals that I know I can reach and I hope that by putting them out there for everyone to see I’ll be able to achieve them!

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