Tuesday, June 23, 2015

So it's been a while...

To whomever is reading this, I apologize that it's been so long and thanks for hanging in there and coming back. A little over a year ago I started writing this blog, more for myself than for anything else and I let it go by the waysideI've realized how cathartic it is and how much of a release it is to get it all out to whoever is reading. 

So since my last post a few big things have happened: 

1) I got my first tattoo (I went with my mom♥)

2) I turned 22

3) I celebrated my 6 year anniversary

4) I graduated from college

5) I was accepted to grad school

6) I got my first big kid apartment

7) I moved in with my boyfriend 

8) I got a job at the Cheesecake factory (not that exciting but Mama's gotta pay her bills...and shop)

So a lot of things have happened in the past year and while I've gotten a good grip on who I am and what I believe I'm still struggling a bit with what I'm doing with my life, but I'm working on it. I'm pursuing a degree that interests me, but I still feel like it's isn't my true calling. I'm not really sure what that is yet but I'll let you know when I figure it out.

There's still a couple of changes coming but I think I'll be okay. I don't yet know what life's got in store for me, but here's hoping that a couple prayers and couple glasses of red wine will get me through it.
Stay tuned for more.

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